Sunday, August 5, 2012

Groovy Legwarmers

Another way to use small amounts of wool is to create some stripey legwarmers, knitted in 8 ply.  Starting at the ankle, cast on 42 stitches with 4.00mm needles - working a single rib band, then change to 4.50mm needles.  Increase each end on every 6th row, until a width is reached that corresponds to the measurement of the thigh, or however long you want them to be.  Change back to smaller needles to finish with a 3.5cm (1 1/2") band at the top.
There's a lot of ending off to do, but don't hurry and it will be done in no time.  :)

p.s. 42 stitches is enough to fit over a slim foot.  You can start with any amount, to fit over foot and heel - slightly stretched.


  1. Lovely legwarmers, and nice idea!

  2. Hi Paula ! .... thanks for visiting, and for the nice comment. Hope everything is well for you .... very best wishes :)

  3. Legs warmers. Indeed a must during cold weathers. I use knee socks though. Well, you make your own leg warmers. And design your own too.

  4. Hello Xi .... It's nice to meet you - thanks for visiting and the comment !

  5. Hello Shirley
    I am your newest follower and I found you via my Facebook and a page Hooked on crochet I have just liked. I was instantly drawn to the sensational blue bag you crocheted way back in Dec 2010. It was on display there. Great bag and love the motif.
    I am addicted to crochet too
    This is just to say Hello and I'm off back into your blog to look and all your gorgeous makes.

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  6. Hi Amanda ..... Nice to meet you ! Thanks for visiting the blog and HAPPY crocheting :).... Shirley.
